Many people searching for a job have a hard time finding the ideal role for them. This occurs in any market and in any industry and it applies to all types of jobs, be it full-time, part-time or even a basic internship. If you also feel that finding a job is the most difficult thing ever, you’ll be glad to learn more about recruitment agencies and their work processes.
More often than not, recruitment agencies work on behalf of their customers to find the right candidates for various roles. Basically, their goal is to find the most suitable candidate to fill a specific vacancy. This sounds great, but how do such things happen? What are the clues that determine a recruiter to invite you to an interview?
How Does The Recruitment Agency Process Unfold?
An employer seeking to hire someone with your talents and skills may not have time to tackle the recruitment process in-house. Therefore, they outsource this task to a recruitment agency. They hand this agency a thorough job description and ask to see the top 20 candidates that could be the best fit for the role.
The recruitment agency narrows down its database of candidates to find the ones matching the job description. They pick the top 20 CVs and send them to the employer. Once the employer agrees, the agency contacts these candidates to schedule the interviews.
How Can I Become Part Of The Recruitment Process?
When looking for a job, you can use recruitment agencies to your advantage. They are the ones who know best what the company is looking for. They can advise you and help you prepare for the interview, should you manage to obtain one. We must say, however, that using one or several recruitment agencies should only be part of your job search endeavours.
In terms of getting involved in the recruitment process, here’s what you need to know. Once you decide upon the industry or the sector you’d like to work in, seek recruitment agencies that specialise in that industry. If you don’t know what industry to choose, consider taking out a career test before reaching out to recruitment agencies. These agencies are not here to serve as career advisers, so you must be clear about what you want by the time you contact them.
Most agencies invite potential candidates to an interview, either face-to-face or over the phone. Prepare to share your career objectives, your skills, your qualifications, and your salary expectations. Ensure that everything you tell them matches what you put in your CV. Also, when you write your CV, include keywords that relate to your career choice, skills and academic achievements. This will help recruiters find it when they search for such specific details.
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What Happens After This?
When the recruiter finds a match, they will contact you to share the role details with you and to ask for permission to send your CV to the employer. Depending on the time of the year, you may soon get an interview. Keep in mind that summer and Christmas are much quieter than the rest of the year, as many people are away on holiday.
If you don’t hear from the agency, contact them once or twice a month to ensure they still remember you and to check whether you’ve missed any opportunities. You can also discuss potential career shifts or other things you can do to increase your chances to find a job and to make yourself more attractive to potential employers. If within four weeks you haven’t heard about any job opening, consider expanding your search to other recruitment agencies. Anyway, you shouldn’t be working with only one recruitment agency from the very beginning.