How To Write an Incredible HGV Driver CV

You have completed your training, got your CE driving licence, and you are ready now to enter the world and look for an HGV driver job. It is a very exciting time for you and the entire world can be viewed as your oyster. Breaking in, like with any industry, can be overwhelming, particularly when you are not yet familiar with the expectations and customs. However, you need to get your new career started somewhere! That is why we are offering you a couple of tips on things that you should include in your CV after you have qualified so you can land the perfect HGV driving job quickly.

Essential Information

Your essential information needs to be included first. This includes things such as your name, telephone number, address, and email address. That helps employers tell by just glancing who are you and how they can contact you. Just don’t get too carried away with this. That section doesn’t need to have a lot of information. Employers don’t need to know your gender, marital status, or age. Including that type of information could actually be prejudicial, and end up costing you a job. Stick with the basics. Make sure to include two contact numbers (preferably a mobile and landline), since many people tend to forget this.

Personal Summary

Once you have all of the essential parts done, write a brief personal summary. The purpose of this is to tell potential employers a bit about yourself. Keep in mind, that it is a professional document, so this section should be kept professional, instead of discussing things you like to do on Saturday nights or what your hobbies are. Instead, search for ways to tell them how ideal you are for their job position your past experience (or your new qualification), your work ethic, and how you love to be out on the road. Don’t overshare, and keep it short but still compelling.

Work Experience

Your work experience is the really important part. These days, best practice is to list in reverse chronological order. So that means you begin with your most recent job and work your way backward. If you are just entering the HGV driving world, you may feel nervous about what to put in this section. If you don’t have any industry experience, they may not hire you. However, that is definitely not true. Companies are looking for up and coming, new drivers that can replace retiring drivers. Therefore, it might work in work in your favour. Your old jobs also can help to showcase the skills you can bring to the job, such as being able to hit targets or time management. Make sure to include the name of the company, your job role, how long you worked at the company, and what you did while working there.


This section of your CV is also very important. You can truly shine here if you happen to be a new driver. List all of your qualifications here, in reverse chronological order once again. This section can be used to highlight your new qualification of becoming an HGV driver (C+E, Cat C+, Cat C, etc.) in addition to any other school grades and qualifications that you have obtained.

A Couple of Useful Tips

Prospective employers are going to use whatever you give them as a way to determine whether they would like to make you or not. That is why it is critical to make a good first impression. Make sure to double-check or even triple check for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. These simple things often can often make the difference between being called in for an interview or not. It is also very important to keep in mind that a good CV is about quality and not quantity. It needs to just contain all of the essential information that an employers need to make the decision of whether to meet with you or not. So if you are attempting to decide whether to include certain pieces of information, there is a good chance that you probably don’t need to.