A Guide to ADHD Treatment Many children have trouble paying attention in school and this is because of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity which are all symptoms of ADHD. When this happens, consult your doctor immediately and ask for recommendations to an ADHD specialist. A psychiatrist, psychologist, pediatric neurologist, a behavioral MD or someone along these professions, are the best specialists to visit. All of them may have years of experience in diagnosing and treating ADHD. You will see ADHD more in boys than in girls. And the myth that watching too much TV, poor home life, poor school, food allergies, and even sugar, cause ADHD, are all together fictitious. Heredity, chemical imbalance, brain changes, poor nutrition are some of the suspected causes of ADHD, according to research. The child’s brain development can also be affected by toxins such as lead. ADHD can also be caused by brain injury or brain disorder or damage to the brain’s frontal lobe. Studies have shown that using stimulant medication is beneficial since they increase dopamine levels in the brain. The use of non-stimulant medication like Straterra is also beneficial. The only nice thing about Straterra is that it does not pose the same risk of abuse or addiction.
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Know more about ADHD, for the more you know about it, the more you can understand your child and help him get the support that he needs at home and in school.
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The next thing to do is to investigate treatments and therapies. If you have any questions, ask the experts before jumping into what is commonly recommended. A second opinion is best to take if you are going to change your treatments. You will have a more informed decision if you do this. If you are given medications, know what its side effects are so you can prepare antidotes if necessary. Find out also when you might need to have your child’s medication fine-tuned or adjusted. Meet with the school officials and show them the physician’s report before starting treatment. If you provide a copy of the diagnosis and recommendation, it can help with the IEP or 504 plan process, even if the school already have their own evaluation. ADHD patients have high risks or mental health issues so it is important that you know the signs. The signs of anxiety and depression should also be known. Talk to your child’s doctor if you have any concern with regard to the child’s recent behavior. Remember that there are others like you. It is good to visit your parent training and information center.