10 Kombucha Fun Facts That Will Surprise You

Kombucha is the new smash hit healthy drink that everyone loves and has become more and more popular in recent years. If you’re a kombucha lover, you should check out these facts that may surprise you; from being a healthy drink to a material that can be made into clothing.

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The kombucha scoby is alive

Kombucha is brewed from a scoby, a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. That’s right, it’s a culture, and it’s alive! Don’t worry, it won’t gain its own conscience like Dr Frankensteins’ monster did. But like anything living, it needs something to eat. Scobys have a taste for cane sugar, water, and herbal tea – they thrive on it, allowing it to live and produce the refreshing Kombucha drink we all know and love.

Kombucha is good for your gut health

Kombucha has a high nutritional value, and is high in probiotics, good for your gut and gastrointestinal tract. The good bacteria found in kombucha help to add to the bacteria you have inside of you. Yes, you have a bacteria colony inside you, and it’s mostly filled with good bacteria. This is where kombucha comes in – it’s good at fighting off the bad bacteria and boosting your immune system, promoting a healthier gut. 

Always brew kombucha in glass

You may not have known this, but if you want to start brewing your own kombucha culture, you should always do it in glass. The acid content found in kombucha has the ability to leech toxins and heavy metals out of metal and ceramic jars and containers. The toxins can be so bad that there could be a possibility the liquid will become poisonous and lethal to whoever drinks it. So, please, keep your kombucha culture in glass. 

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Kombucha is a healthier alternative to soft drinks

Kombucha is a tasty drink that, unlike soft drinks, has a low level of sugar. There are also healthy antioxidants that are beneficial to your system, from the tea found in kombucha, that help fight free radicals and promote healthy cell growth. 

You can buy alcoholic kombucha 

A lot of store-bought kombucha is non-alchoholic, or comes close enough to alcohol-free. But there are some liquor stores that can sell you some alcoholic kombucha, and seeing as they’re basically a cousin to beer, they’re a healthy alternative to beer!

You can eat the scoby

Kombucha isn’t just for drinking, believe it or not, you can actually eat the scoby. The scoby has much the same health benefits as the drink itself, so if you have any spare scoby in your kombucha farm, you can make little scoby candy snacks, add it to smoothies, or even add it to a salad. 

Kombucha can be made into clothes

Dried scoby cultures can be tried, and formed into a textile; they’re 100{10869d906370ac92246a45117153392add26ddaaa5395511b5ae6e0b554d28dd} environmentally friendly as it’s fully biodegradable. There are a number of apparel that can be made from scobys, such as jackets, pants, shirts, shoes and even handbags. There are some companies that are striving to make sustainable and renewable clothing source that we can essentially just grow ourselves. Admittedly, though, some of the designs may not be your current fashion tastes, maybe give it a few years before it enters the mainstream market as a fashionable apparel choice. 

Kombucha has healing properties

So this one is pretty amazing! Kombucha scoby actually have healing properties. If the scoby is turned into a fabric or gauze-like tape, it can be placed on wounds, such as burns, and even scar tissue, and repair the damaged cells of your skin. Studies are being done by doctors that may utilise scoby fabric for tissue and bone growth. 

Kombucha has a cousin in the form of milk 

Okay, so when we say cousin, we mean distant cousin. There is a similar method out there where you can brew your own milk, known as kefir milk. Much like kombucha, kefir milk is a culture, which is instead made from a grain. Kefir is a probiotic, which means it is filled with healthy bacteria and agents that help with your gut health and aid in breaking and digesting food. If you’re brewing your own kombucha, why not try make your own kefir milk. You can make it from water, coconut, and all kinds of other healthy vegan foods.

Kombucha is an ancient recipe

There is no definite answer as to where komchucha actually came from. Kombucha may have been used as a medicinal property in ancient China, dating back to around 2000 years ago. It seems like the ancient Chinese knew their medicinal healing. It’s amazing that we are still using the same method to brew something healthy and tasty today, as they did in ancient China. 

This isn’t the definite origin of Kombucha by any means. Some reports say that the name ‘kombucha’ came from an ancient Korean doctor, named Dr Kombu. It was said that Dr Kombu treated the Japanese Emperor for an illness with this medicine. 

There is a mystery that surrounds the origins of kombucha, and probably a hundred other stories you may hear about the beginning of kombucha. All we know is that it’s a pretty amazing drink that has numerous health benefits.